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Tilt and Turn Doors

Tilt and Turn Doors are patio doors that open two ways: they can tilt like our Tilt and Turn Windows or swing open like our Terrace Swing Doors. Tilt and Turn Doors provide the convenient option to partially open your patio doors to ventilate your home without compromising your home’s security, making them suitable for areas in a home where you may need additional secure ventilation.

Tilt and Turn Doors as single or double doors, with or without top or side fixed or operable windows, and with a variety of decorative options, such as grid designs and frame colours, to match your project’s architectural style.

Hybrid Framing System

Our Hybrid Framing System features several integrated technologies that work together to create an advanced door system: galvanized steel framing integrally reinforces unplasticized European PVC profiles in a form factor that integrates multipoint locking hardware.

Defender Hardware System

Entry doors, especially those located at the back of a home or garage, are a common entry point for thieves. Our Terrace Swing Doors feature our Defender Hardware System that includes multipoint locking hardware, steel reinforcement and welded frame and sash construction to defend your home from home intruders (and Mother Nature).

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